Nadine Mühlenberg
Nadine Mühlenberg
Trainer and Coach in Sales
I stand for your success in sales
If the wind turns in the direction of change, I can promise you success.
Hi, my name is Nadine Mühlenberg, born in Hamburg, Germany and a true northern girl. I love the rough north and at the same time, I really adore the south of Germany and the beautiful Lake of Constance.

It needs 3 times a Yes!
Training by Mühlenberg
„from here on you will leave your comfort zone!“
If you want to get different results, you need to walk a different path. If better results were possible on the existing path, then you already would have achieved them. So let us enter new paths together!
I am absolutely convinced that every person likes to learn and likes show their best. This is exactly what I bring out in my trainings. It does not matter if you decide to book the unconventional systematic sales concept, a single training slot or a coaching session. I always focus on the people and focus on creating a long-lasting success.
We will discuss personally or on the phone, how a bespoke training for your team can look like. Why? Because I do not offer stuff off from the pack. You only get tailored solutions. Tailored to your needs!